Monday, February 9, 2009

How’s your Power Suit?

Remember how business people would make sure they wore their "Power Suit" when going on an important interview or making a prominent presentation? That first impression is so important. With over 70% of the population utilizing the web, your website often is your first impression. Potential clients and customers will go to your website first validate your company and your products/services. Your web site has become your Power Suit.

In today's economic environment, clients are still buying - they are just buying differently. Thus your website has become even more important. Does it represent your organization properly? Does it tell your story in such a way that they want to buy from you?

Having the wrong website may actually hurt you more then help you. Recently we recommended to a client that they take their site down and replace it with a simple landing page until they redesigned their site. The current site was chasing clients away instead of enticing them.

So are you wearing your "Power Suit" via your web site? Makes sure that your site looks good, works correctly, and is being marketed. (go to for more information)

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