Monday, January 26, 2009

Did not know us designers were also athletes

Well, it finally happened - my faithful chair broke beyond all repair. Got enough energy to drag it our to the dumpster and went off to buy a new chair. Not that easy of a task - couple needing the right chair with the fact that a lot of us designers have back problems. Ask a designer about lying in bed at night with this pain going down your leg from your back to your feet.

So I asked the doctor and he tells me it's my posture and probably my chair. I asked around and got the advice that a good chair is one that "keeps you in the chair" - not like my broken chair where I sat on the edge with my feet tucked under it. No wonder why my shoes all have a curl to them.

So off to the designer store for the perfect chair and I found it. The chair actually kept me in the seat with my back not hunched over. What a chair and what a shock. The stripped down version was over $800. That is more then I paid for a treadmill. With prices like that you would think we designers were athletes in training.

Bottom line is I guess my back does not hurt that much for now. But one of these days I am going to get that chair. Would appreciate any suggestions.


PS I did get a new chair since I still have to sit - looks nice and modern (good design elements) but a fraction of the cost.

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